Skyrim important information overhaul
Skyrim important information overhaul

skyrim important information overhaul

\Content\mods\Ultsky Core Files\SkyProc Patchers\Requiem

  • reqtificator.ini - The configuration parameters for the requiem patcher - needed if you are going to make any appearance changes or add any new races.
  • If you are going to do any modding at all this must be setup first.

    skyrim important information overhaul

  • reqtificator - The requiem patcher - Makes 3rd party mods compatible with the Ultsky install.
  • mod organizer - The tool which makes everything work - Installed as part of the wabbajack installation in \Content\Mod Organizer.exe.
  • If you have issues with any of the guides below - you can submit feedback here Important Terms

    Skyrim important information overhaul